Tuesday, August 2, 2011

How Cute are these!?

Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries
The Commissary had some yummy looking strawberries on sale for 98 cents/lb so I decided to make these. Here is the original recipe:

20 strawberries

8 oz pkg softened cream cheese
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 sleeve of graham crackers
1/2 cup mini chocolate chips (optional)

Brad is a big fan of sweets but can be picky so I didn't want to make the whole recipe in case Brad did not like them and let those delicious red strawberries go to waste, so I halved it.

First, you cut the tops off and core the berries. I found it easiest to use a small knife. 

Next, you mix up the cream cheese, powdered sugar, and vanilla. I didn't want to dirty up the beater, so I let the cream cheese soften on the counter for 10 minutes, mixed it all together with a spoon, and it turned out fine. Put the mixture into a baggie and cut off the corner.

Now, just fill the strawberries and sprinkle with crushed graham crackers.

By the way, I used fat free cream cheese and only one graham cracker (instead of half of a sleeve) to cut some calories.

I calculated that the filling is 24 calories per strawberry.

4 ounces of cream cheese-120 calories
1/4 cup of powdered sugar-120 calories
120+120=240 calories total
240/10 strawberries=24

You didn't know you would be getting a math lesson today, did you!?

So, each Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberry is probably only about 38 calories if you calculate in the strawberry and crushed graham cracker! Yum, yum, yum! 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

New Kids On the Block & The Backstreet Boys!

am totally stoked to see New Kids On the Block & The Backstreet Boys tomorrow! I feel like a total dork!. My inner child is coming out and I get to see the boy bands I loved as a kid. I spend a good part of my day listening to their music to get myself pumped for it.  Now I just have to see what I am going to wear tomorrow =) 

Other then that, I've been getting in touch with the housing office on base. The hubby and I are thinking about moving onto base. 

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July

I hope everyone is having a wonderful 4th of July! We had an amazing one. We spent the weekend up at my parents house. We had a great BBQ and enjoyed time with my family. We left to make our way back home and we saw about 14 different firework shows during our drive! It was amazing, I would say it was one of the best 4th we had ever had.

There are only 2 people in this world that have ever died for you. 
1. Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for the punishment of our sins, but to gain eternal life through belief.

2. The American Solider, who gives his/her life for our freedom, for the right to live free here in America today.

I am glad to say I am a proud believer in Jesus Christ and a VERY proud navy wife!

Friday, March 4, 2011

MilSpouse Friday Fill-in

1. Do you or your {spouse} ever wish your {spouse} was in a different branch of the military? submitted by The Turner Family
Not at all. Never crossed out minds.

2. What duty station(s) are on your “No Way, Hell No, Not Going, Have Fun Unaccompanied” list and why? submitted by Every Branch
I think if he gets stationed in Okinawa I would see you when you get back because I heard there are a ton of bugs there and that they are huge! I'd like for him to stay stationed in the states. lol...

3. If you could be one age forever, what age would you choose and why? submitted by Three Krakens
I love being 18/19 I didn't really have any major cares and life was just fun. 

4. If you were a breakfast cereal, which one would you be? submitted by the C.W.
Let’s see… I’d have to be Lucky Charms. I like to make people happy and I get kinda happy when i see all the fun colors in my cereal! 

5. What is your morning beverage of choice and why?  submitted by NH Girl Displaced
Really depends on my day. If I have to get up early its Red Bull, if it's a lazy day then tea =)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Military Wedding

Mr. B and I decided before we got married that we wanted a military wedding. I was shocked to see that little information was posted on the web about, military weddings. It was like pulling teeth to get the right information. What makes military weddings so unique is the invitations are worded differently, the service member is in uniform, the base chaplain officiates the wedding and the saber arch! All add a very romantic and very traditional old fashioned feel.

In the early planning I was very put off by the idea of Mr. B bringing his "work" into our wedding. I thought it would take away from our special day. I was so very wrong! The military is all about tradition and honor, and weddings are all about traditions, family and honor so I, got cozy with the idea of including the military in the special day. Looking back on that day, everything turned out perfect. Not only did I feel like a princess but my husband sure looked like a prince in his dress blue.

So here is the reason for this post. I want to give every military bride to be a little wedding advice in planning for the big day. =) Every Wednesday from now on I'll post a wedding tip for planning a military wedding.   We can call it, Wedding Wednesdays!  Feel free to ask me any wedding question and I will  try my best to answer you back.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Happy Monday!

What an exciting weekend in the B Household! Mr. B and I kept busy this weekend. Mr. B woke up early on Saturday to help move a friend and his wife into their new house, while I sat at home cleaning and finishing up some nursing homework. All I can say is I have finished my homework for the week and our living room, dinning room and kitchen is spotless =) I love it when I get so many things done in one day.

Sunday, we went to church and so enjoyed the fellowship time. After church, we made our way to Anaheim to watch the Ducks vs. Avalanche hockey game! It was amazing. Within the first 10 min, 5 fights broke out on the ice. I have come to the conclusion that Hockey is not about the game, but about the fights that break out on the ice. Its like boxing with some skating around.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

True Blood

Last weekend my Husband and I had a True Blood marathon. We watched the whole first season and just finished the second season last night. We now are hooked and can't wait until season three hits the stores. I didn't think I would like a vampire show!

I'm not really sure where this week went. It really went by way too fast for me. I'm happy that tomorrow is Friday but boy, do we have a busy weekend ahead of us. Sorry this post is so short. I'm just really busy tonight, I'm trying to finish up our Home Binder.

Friday, February 18, 2011


1. What is your favorite MilSpouse blog (not including Wife of a Sailor who we all love, or your own)? submitted by Our Crazy Life (Wifey note: whaaaat? You can’t say my blog? No fun! LOL, just kidding)

I love so many blogs. I just can't put one down.

2. What are your favorite perks about your s/o being deployed (we all know there are perks)? submitted by Ramblings of a Marine Wife

One of the perks is power tools. Hubby wont let me use the drill or hammer because he says its a "mans" job. Are you kidding me!?! I love hanging things up or fixing things around the house. So, I deff love it when he is gone so I can make changes around the the house without him getting his undies in a twist. lol.

3. How long did you date your before getting engaged? Married? submitted by Utterly Chaotic

I always knew I was going to be married to him when we first started dating. We always talked about it. We got married about two and half years after dating.

4. What do you think your would do if s/he wasn’t in the military? submitted by Adventures of M-Squared

Hubby would prob be in the engineering field. He loved creating and building new things. He has some great and crazy ideas that would work.

5. If you could talk to the Secretary of (fill in your appropriate branch) what is one suggestion you would like to bring to their attention in order to improve the lives of military families? submitted by My Life as His (Air Force) Wife

Hmm… what would I say to SECNAV? I would just want everyone to look into how it’s tough to find a job even for those who aren’t in the lower ranks of both officers and enlisted. MyCAA is great but I would like to see more job and schooling help out there for military spouses.

Also I think they should lower the prices of the uniforms. The uniform allowance hubby gets hardly covers all the costs of the uniforms. Its kinda sad.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Valentine's Day!

I hope everyone one had wonderful "Day of Love"!
My wonderful husband got me roses =)

We both ended up sick on Valentine's day so we ended up staying in watching a whole lot of movies. Mr. B and I got a great deal at blockbusters going out of business sale! We came home with 30 DVD's and 5 Bluerays for about 50$ Let's just say we are having a True Blood marathon some point this weekend.

Mr. B had a crazy week at work, He also had a sea bag inspection so, I was busy getting all his uniforms ready. Let just say I was not ready for this part of my wifely duties but I managed to find almost everything.

I can't wait for date night tomorrow. We are making up for being sick on Valentine's Day.

Monday, February 14, 2011


A few weekends ago, Mr.B and I were trying to remember what we did last year for Valentine's Day. We thought about it for about 15 or 20 minutes before finally giving up. How sad is it that we can't remember what we did just a year ago? I don't want to look back and not be able to remember these special moments I share with my loved ones. That is why I am starting this blog; I want to be able to have these memories recorded somewhere. I have always loved looking at other peoples blogs and enjoy catching up on what is going on with their lives. It is such a blessing to know that even when we are away from those we love, we can still keep up with the things that are happening to them. I have always avoided creating a blog of my own because I thought that no one would want to read about the boring things that I would blog about...but I'm giving in. Enjoy :)