Friday, March 4, 2011

MilSpouse Friday Fill-in

1. Do you or your {spouse} ever wish your {spouse} was in a different branch of the military? submitted by The Turner Family
Not at all. Never crossed out minds.

2. What duty station(s) are on your “No Way, Hell No, Not Going, Have Fun Unaccompanied” list and why? submitted by Every Branch
I think if he gets stationed in Okinawa I would see you when you get back because I heard there are a ton of bugs there and that they are huge! I'd like for him to stay stationed in the states. lol...

3. If you could be one age forever, what age would you choose and why? submitted by Three Krakens
I love being 18/19 I didn't really have any major cares and life was just fun. 

4. If you were a breakfast cereal, which one would you be? submitted by the C.W.
Let’s see… I’d have to be Lucky Charms. I like to make people happy and I get kinda happy when i see all the fun colors in my cereal! 

5. What is your morning beverage of choice and why?  submitted by NH Girl Displaced
Really depends on my day. If I have to get up early its Red Bull, if it's a lazy day then tea =)

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to MFF! Hope you join us again!
